Will there be a song book from Steve in the future or any place one could locate some of his chords, tablature or sheet music? 

Thanks, Dennis

As yet we have not pursued written music. To compile a book of songs is very expensive, although once we get under way promoting the new CD we will look at the possibilities.            

Thanks, Steve

When will he be releasing his new album? When is he touring America?         Lynda

No scheduled release date as yet. We are aiming at around July August but at this stage too early to know.

Touring is in the same bag as the album, and we need to have the album out before we can tour, so at this stage we could be looking at a November tour,or possibly not this year at all. But, because the budget for this new album is quite big, it will be important to tour in order to get the required exposure. That should do it, though I wish I could be more positive.

                              Cheerio, Steve

Are there going to be any more videos done by either Anne or Matt? We really like watching them and hope they produce more...     Anonymous

Yes, there will be more videos from both Anne and Matt. I have just added Anne's video of My Heart Belongs to Scotland today. You can view it if you click on Videos on the Main Page. Thanks for asking!


Please send your questions to admin@stevemcdonaldfanclub.com









What Happy Memory Does Steves’ Music Evoke?

What Do You Enjoy Doing while listening to Steves’ music?

How about asking people to send in what they enjoy doing to Steve's

music? Personally, I love putting it on when I have housework to

do because it is so inspiring.

Love and Blessings


What Happy Memory Does Steves’ Music Evoke?

What we enjoy doing while listening to Steve's music.  Well, outside of listening to his music every trip we take to the Colorado Rockies and driving up Trail Ridge Road, I think the most memorable experience we had was listening to the Sons of Somerled CD during my wife's entire delivery and labor with our now 4.5 year old girl.  I remember it was so calming, and all the nurses would come in and ask what CD that was.  Awesome.  I only hope that he produces more of that kind of music.  1.

    What Happy Memory Does Steves’ Music Evoke?           


My happiest memory listening to Steve's music is of a New Year's Eve party

probably 5 or so years ago when someone brought and played Stone of Destiny.

We (my husband and I) had never heard any of Steve's music be- fore, and I found

it thrilling to say the least. Hearing Auld Lang Syne on that particular night was

especially wonderful, and that is the one I remember the best from that evening.

Once we found out his name we went to the web site and bought all his albums

and we've been playing them ever since. We're also looking forward to the new one!

Love and Blessings,


The song that evokes the happiest memory for me is Loch Lomond. When I was a

little girl, my mother used to walk around the house singing that song as she would

knit or bake goodies for me and my sister. She had heard it from her mother as a little

girl, who had heard it from hers before her and so on back to the origination of the song.

As a child, I never understood the pull I felt towards the pipes, or to the great history

of the Scottish people, and when my mother passed away several years ago now,

I feared that I would never hear Loch Lomond again. When I bought the album that

has it on there, I started to cry. It was the happiest time for me, hearing that song in

its entirety for the first time since before my mom passed away. Even now, I can still

smell the won- derful aroma of baking goods as I listen to that WONDER- FUL song. PLEASE tell Steve for me a great big THANKS for including it on his CD. It has

meant so much to me to hear that bit of my family history once again that words

will never be able to convey how truly touched I am.


Cassandra Bertrand

(aka the biggest Steve McDonald fan in Utah, USA)

I don’t really have a memory to associate Steve's music with. What I have are feelings. Every time I listen to his music I get a longing to go "home". I have never been

to Scotland but I know I have ancestors that came from there. My home is Scotland

and one of my life’s goals is to go "home". I love all Steve's music but I can really

relate to the song "I will return" from the Sons of Somerled album, Because one

day I WILL return to my "home".

Wikit Whitewolf

Steve’s voice is the most beautiful voice I have ever heard! I love his music and have all his CD’s!


Your talent for song writing and your haunting and inspirational voice has been

a great motivation for me over the past twelve years with regards to researching

my Scottish heritage. I went “home” to Scotland for the first time in my family’s

history since the 17th century and the experience was unbelievable! I listened

to your music often while I was in Scotland! Keep up the wonderful work and

thanks again!

Slainte mhath,

Kyle Andrew Smith

Your music is just what I feel about Scotland.

Eckard Michalek

Love that Somer Mist.

Luigi Cappel

Your music inspired me to find my Celtic heritage. Thank you for the inspiration!

Kim Hughes

It’s because you have a lot of pride in your heritage


We are both fairy new fans of your music and I have to say this music really sets you apart from the rest of the music industry. We especially like Fallen Flowers. It evokes such emotion! Can’t get enough. However many times we listen to that song, we still feel it deep inside! Thank you for your songs.

Bob and LaDene Carson

I think it is a great and beautiful discovering. His music is a mix of beauty,

sadness, love,  and sweet force, and many feelings more. For me it was a

beautiful gift. I’ve found another musical friend’s soul.

Maria Mercedes Smith

Ever since I can remember I have felt the call of Scotland. As a child I loved the

folk music and used to sing it in school and later when I became a folk singer myself. I learned to play as well as to sing many. When I hear Steve’s music it makes me

homesick for a place I have never been yet hope one day to visit. It also stirs

something in my blood I cannot put my finger on and energizes me in a way that

makes me happy.



I’ve always liked Scotland and even participated in a living history museum as William Wallace when I was younger. I’ve listened to Steve’s music for many years now, and I think he captures the mystery and beauty of Scotland very well. I’ve enjoyed it very much, and my girlfriend does as well. We plan to get married and have thought about going to Scotland on our honeymoon.

Robert Van Groll

My favorite track in Steve's beautiful cover version of Loch

Lomond. It is near to where I used to live, and brings back many happy memories of my childhood. I have never heard this song sung so beautifully. Steve invokes the passion and tragedy of the legend.


I think It was a great and beautiful discovering... His music is a mix of beauty, sad, l

ove, sweetness force, and many feelings more... For me It was a beautiful gift ...

I've found another musical friend's soul ...

Maria Mercedes Smith

Once when I was out shopping in a mall the music was playing in one of the shops

we visited. My friends and I thought it was beautiful, and asked who the artist was.

Though we had never heard Steve before, or even heard his name as a musician,

I decided to take the risk and buy Somerled. I have never regretted this.

With love


My friend was playing Sons of Somerled in his car one day when he gave me a lift to work. Tat was the first time I heard him. He bought me a CD for Christmas and since then I have bought all the rest of his Celtic music.



I first heard Steve when I was on holiday in Scotland, his music was playing when I visited Edinburgh castle.I liked the music, and heard it again a few days later in another castle, and bought a CD before the holiday was over.



I first heard Steve's music during a holiday in Scotland, when we visited Dundonald Castle in Ayrshire. When Malcolm (my husband) and I arrived we started our tour in the exhibition. We watched the custodian put a CD in to the machine, it was Sons of Somerled. By the time we left the exhibition to go to the castle itself we had heard three tracks. We both thought the music was both beautiful and very moving and had decided to buy the CD. Returning from the castle we spent some time in the cafe, and listened some more to the album, when Steve was performing Per Mare Per Terras in the passionate way he sings about Scotland, I was captivated and I was I bought the CD before we left Dundonald. It went straight into the car player and stayed there for the remainder of our holiday. Since then I have bought all Steve's Celtic albums and play them regularly. I have joined also the fan club and enjoyed making videos of some of his tracks. Also, I think I am the only fan club member who recorded the great moment when I first heard him sing, I was using my camcorder in the exhibition and Steve can clearly be heard singing on the recording. I play Steve's music regularly, for me it is inspiring and beautiful, and takes me in my mind to the Scottish highlands which I love so dearly.

Anne Outterson

Highland Farewell, Legend and Sons of Somerled

Truthfully That's a hard one for me to answer because all of Steve's CD's hit

home in one way or another, so I have to say that all of Steve's CD's are my favorites.

The first time I ever heard Steve's music was while my wife and I were on our

honeymoon in Gatlinburg Tn, we were walking in the area that resembles an old

English town when I heard the song Highland Farewell and tracked it down to a

little Celtic shop there and bought it on the spot just on the strength of one song.

Even now when I listen to it it reminds me of what was then and still is (next to the

birth of our son Zachary) the Happiest time of my life.

Legend and Sons of Somerled (New Zealand) has what is my favorite song of Steve's Culloden. In Steve's music one can feel the depth of emotion he has for his past and it is most felt in Culloden and All You Can Know. When I listen to these songs my blood

stirs and a tears come to my eyes, it doesn't matter what your family background is

because we can all identify with the heart-felt emotion and feel the call for our

homelands when we listen to Steve's Song's.

Thank You Steve for All That You Know!

David Wade

Although I like all Steve's Celtic albums, my personal favourite is Legend. I just love the way he has combined the history of Scotland with his own thoughts regarding our journey through life. I also like the way Steve has developed this style of music, using both dramatic percussion effects and sweeping harmonies to create an individual sound which captures the imagination as in Queen and the Rhymer, and contrasting this with the flowing rhythm of tracks like Hundred Pipers. I am greatly looking forward to his new album.

Kind regards Sandra

It has to be Sons of Somerled for me - the 1st time i was introduced to Steve's music was this album - and along with Runrig and Capercailie, Steve sits proudly in my Scottish/gaelic/celtic/folk section - the other albums are just as good but 'Sons' just sneaks it for me.


This is my story on which c.d means the most to me.

I love the Highland Farewell c.d for it has songs on it that take me back to when my grandpa and aunts use to tell me about there leaving Italy to come to America. Grandpa came over to America first and found a place for his family then went back to get his wife and kids. When it came time to leave grandma Marie wouldn't come for she didn't want to leave her home land and the hurt all felt as the ship was leaving the port. Grandma went home and hung her self. The tears that must of spilled on the deck of the ship (Trojan prince) had to be the most hard while leaving the land they all loved but wanted better in life. The loved ones they left behind had to be hard also. I wish my dad was here today

so i could of let him hear Steve's songs. Bet they'd taken him back in time big time.

My other grandpa ran away from Italy for the catholic priests were making him wear a robe as a alter boy and he wouldn't do it. In Italy you had no choice but to do what the priest told you so grandpa ran away from Italy at the age of 16 by himself to America. No family no friends. He met my grandparent above on the ship coming to America and stuck fast to them thought where they went later marring my grandma one of the kids that was taken away from grandma Marie. They came into New York which was very hard there for they had people taking advantage of all who didn't know English so they left New York the land of gold and dreams trying to settle in different places alone the way till they came to Washington state which they stayed in. They did leave for awhile to go work

in Cuba where my uncle became a hero there by saving a bunch of lives from a mine.

There was always talk of Italy and how different it was there, compared with living in the states. Christmas was very different there than here. Grandpa didn't have money so he took a .50 cent piece and wrapped it in wall paper and gave it to each kid as presents. Now to me that means more then something brought from a store. It was from the heart, than riches

Lynda Roybal.